My experience learning English at university hasn't been as full as it could be, but all thanks to the pandemic and, because of this, online classes. But, putting that aside, I feel that It was a nice experience. I like to learn English, it's an amazing language, and I also have nice memories of learning it because back in school it was my favorite subject for several years. So, having that experience again was really nice, in the middle of other classes, I thought of this subject as something I was doing with pleasure.

I would have like to speak and participate more in class. The only reason I did not do it as much was because talking in English makes me really nervous and shy!

In therms of blogging I found it really useful for my learning. I didn't have english class at university before (I jumped to IV) so It was a long time since I did english homework. Also, I like to write (more than speaking) so having to think about finding the best words and vocabulary to express my ideas was both challenging and fun.

As I said before, speaking is one of the things I have to improve in my english. I haven't practice enough so I still find it difficult. One of the things I can easily do is to practice english singing songs, most of the music I love is in english and I like to sing -in the shower- so I can try to practice while having fun! I also have been thinking about joining some servers on Discord (this app to chat w/ others) from some youtubers and artists I like. I could join and give it a try talking there (also because there are many others who doesn't have english as their primary language so I wouldn't be the only one).

Finally, outside the english class, I use english on a daily basis watching videos and content on YouTube and internet in general. There are a few novels I want to read that -curiously- won't be translated to Spanish so I'll have to read them in english! I hope I enjoy the experience of reading larger books on english! It will surely open a new world for me.

So, this is the last post. It was very fun to write here, thanks to everyone who took their time to read and comment :)


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